Bougainvilleas are always a fantastic accent to a landscape. Mediterranean in origin, Bougainvilleas have bright, beautiful flowerings that one can’t manage to look away from. Whether it be bright pink, passion red, or exciting fuchsia blooms, Bougainvillea’s have colors that always attracts the human eye.
To begin with, give this subtropical plant full, direct sunlight. As for soil, bougainvilleas prefer slightly dry soil. Finally, feeding is best by providing fertilizer during certain growth periods. With these three things in mind, you will have a colorful tree to accompany any space!
Lucky for us at Casaplanta, this hearty plant does excellent in the tropical Florida weather. The vining shrub can be grown to climb along the side of your house or be pruned to decorate a pot as a bush. Bougainvilleas can grace the inside of your home, a trellis in your yard or any type of fencing you might have!
So how exactly do we care for these plant marvels? Well, it requires little effort to care for and will produce gorgeous blooms during the months of October to March. In the Summer, once the days become longer and the heavy South Florida rains begin to come, bougainvilleas won’t have as flowerful months. However, they won’t die on you either!
Bougainvilleas flourish best when days are equally as long as nights, and when they are fertilized monthly after their vegetative cycle. The vegetative cycle is when the plant is primarily producing leaves and stems, making the biugainvillea bush look woody and green. Once they start producing mainly buds and less structural growth is occurring, this is a good time to fertilize your plant! It is best to fertilize your bougainvillea three to four times a year and before the heavy summer rains begin to fall. BGI’s BOUGAIN® 6-8-10 is a good fertilizer brand that we carry here at Casaplanta.
This plant will not do well in areas that frost or in soils that retain water well. So use a well-draining, organic soil. When deciding where to grow your bougainvillea, if you are considering growing it in a container, make sure the pot has drainage holes and is big enough for the amount of soil a mature plant needs to grow. Also, consider investing in hedging and pruning shears to groom the plant to encourage proper structural growth, as well as your desired look. Have fun with this beautiful plant and make sure to stop by the garden center to choose your favorite color!
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