Now that you have been introduced to the various types of mango, from Captain Haden to Valencia Pride, it is now time to learn the basics of mango tree planting. Let us begin:
First, and by far the most important action of all is to find the most succulent, delicious, mouth watering mango you can get your hands on. This not only may be the greatest tasting mango you’ll ever eat this summer, but the seed of this marvel will act as the foundation of the incredible tree you are about to grow!
After you have made a mess of yourself, devouring the juicy flesh of your mango treat, be sure that the seed in front of you is as clean as possible with little to no flesh around the seed pit. I actually shred it with my teeth and suck the seed clean. My fiance thinks I’m super weird for doing it, but it gets the job done. Once your seed pit is clean, where the pit is its hairiest, take a knife and puncture the pit enough along the top to where you could split open the pit.
Now, I’m going to tell you something that may surprise you; the actual seed of the mango is within the pit itself! Cleaning the pit of flesh would allow easier access when you try to open the pit the knife. I honestly had no idea how much easier this made the planting process. While in Tanzania I struggled endlessly trying to create a mango tree nursery. Learning this technique allowed for a better teaching tool for the Tanzanian farmers I worked with.
Moving on.
When removing the seed be sure that it isn’t damaged in any way. It may affect the germination of the seed. After examining the seed, place it on it’s side in a pot at a depth of about ¼ in, or enough to barely cover the seed. Use a potting soil that encourages seed germination and/or fruiting, like Espoma Organic Seed Starter or FoxFarm’s Strawberry Fields™ Fruiting & Flowering Potting Soil.
Water enough to saturate the surface of the soil surrounding the seed, and then, wait for it…use a clear plastic to cover the pot opening. Why do this you may ask? A mango tree is a tropical fruit-bearing tree and the plastic will create an ideal humid, greenhouse like environment which will optimize seed germination. After about 2 – 3 weeks, you may start to see a tiny sprout. At that point, remove the plastic wrap and water regularly. But don’t drown the poor sapling.
Other than that, congrats! You now have a baby mango tree!
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